

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Blackhead Remover Mask

Blackhead Remover Mask
Blackhead Remover Mask
Blackhead Remover Mask on nose

Nowadays we see a lot of videos & pictures on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube about a black mask, that glued to the skin strongly, it's the latest product in beauty, it has a perfect effect in getting rid of the blackheads, dead skin and hair ....because it pulls the impurities out of the pores completely.
So how can we apply it?
1-Clean your face with warm water or take a warm shower.
2-Dry your face before you put it on.
3-Test the black mask on a small area of your cheek or hand, to make sure that it does not have an adverse reaction to your skin type.
 4-Apply it on your face but keep away from the eyes and lips.
5-Let it dry 10 to 15 minutes in till you feel that the mask has begun to tighten the skin of your face.
 6-Remove the mask and wash your face with a cool water and dry it.

This black mask will clear your pores and leaves your skin soft and fresh. Also you can see the blackheads and hair in the discharge that you peel off.
Blackhead Remover Mask

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Akar Fassi or blood of the gazelle

Akar Fassi:
Akar Fassi:

Akar Fassi لعكر الفاسي or blood of the gazelle دم الغزال  is a traditional product in North Africa and especially in Morocco from the city "Fes", Moroccan women use it to makeup lips, blush, body and hair care. & it is a fully natural cosmetic made ​​from poppy powder and dried pomegranate, so its 100% natural.
 Akar Fassi has original form, it looks like a lid of a small clay cup or like a lid of Tajine or it crushed to a powder.

Style of use:

 you can mix Aker Fassi with Vaseline and apply it on your lips. your lips will be softer and  brilliant... to get a natural look apply just once.
you can apply Aker Fassi on your cheeks at the same time with lips, it will give a beautiful look.

2-Body care:
you can mix Aker Fassi with Moroccan clay"ghasol"then apply it on your body and face, it gives a natural brighten complexion and soft skin.
or mix it with Rose water, or mix the powder with a cream and apply it to your body or face.

You can mix it with Henna for your Hair care or for change your hair color.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Hard Waxing Beans for Hair Removal

wax hair removal
Wax for Hair Removal:
Wax removal is one of the best ways to get a soft skin free of excess hair. This method can be used on face or on any area of the body .which removes the hair from the root so the new hair will not grow back in the previously waxed area for one month.
Hard Waxing Beans for Hair Removal:
They are a small pieces of wax that are placed inside a special electrical device or microwave for melt them, hard waxing beans have different nice colors and scents as ”strawberry, rose, honey, lemon….” 
What you have to do before Waxing?
-Your skin must be peeled before waxing to remove dead skin cells and to prevent new hair growth under the skin 
-Clean your skin before you begin for open the pores.
-Do not put makeup on your face. 
 How to use Hard Waxing Beans for Hair Removal?
1- Heat up the wax beans until they melt using a wax warmer or microwave.
2-When the wax beans are in their melted form, you’re going to need a wooden wax applicators to spread them on.
3-Do not start waxing directly after heating, it will burn your skin.
4- Let the wax cool a lil bit.
5- Make sure that you test the temperature first on the wrist of your hand.  
6- Apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth, because this leads to the best hair removal results.
7-Let the wax patch cool, and you can check it by tapping it with your fingernail.
8-Then remove the wax patch.
1-Hard Waxing Beans for Hair Removal is preferred once a month.
2- Do not use Waxing Beans before the date of your period cycle, it may make your skin more sensitive to pain.
3- Waxing Beans for Hair Removal should not be used in some cases such as: face acne allergies, sunburn,...
Advantages of using Hard Waxing Beans for Hair Removal:
-Waxing Beans remove hair from the roots, and giving you a smoother skin.
-Hair will not grow back quickly.
- Waxing Beans do not make your skin darker.
-Waxing Beans are super easy to melt, nicely pliable when dry.
Waxing Beans Leave smooth and hair-free skin. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

pore vacuum blackhead remover

Pore Vacuum blackhead remover

Blackheads are dark lesions that appear on the skin, they are the most common skin disorder in the world.
If you’re into the world of beauty, you’ve probably heard about an electric blackhead remover:
The pore vacuum: It's exactly a little tool that sucks up dead skin, blackheads, acne, fine lines, cells and debris trapped in your skin...its like a face massage for you but after using it would leave a red trail.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017



Influenster is a company that sends products to you for your review, & you can keep all the items in return, you have to post an honest product review using social medias which tracks the number of friends, followers, or subscribers...
Here’s what you need to do:
1-go to www.influenster.com/r/3989364, or download the Influenster app on your phone.
2-then“sign up “
3-optimize your profile.
2-upload a photo of yourself.
4-add your blog info to your personal information.
5-connect Influenster with all your social media and channels (youtube, Facebook, Instagram, twitter,...)
6-Choose your categories, you can choose all categories, or you can be very specific.
7-do your snaps, they are questions that help you to get points & without completing these, you will not receive any product.
8-write reviews, when you do your snaps, they will ask you to quickly review certain products that you have already tried.
9-discussions and comments these raise your score also.
10-ask questions and answer other questions. and when you complete all and do a good job they will sent you a VOX BOX for make a honest review.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Paper Makeup

Paper Makeup
Makeup is a kind of body decoration, and considered by many women as the one of the most important arts, because it gives the perfect beauty, & in these recent years, the world knows a number of inventions in cosmetics, among of these new inventions :
 Makeup made from papers as foundation, highlighter and blush from Mai Couture.

 Foundation Powder Paper: it’s awesome for lazy girls, because it easy for applying.

Highlighter Paper: it adds beautifully flawless luminosity and easily. so it’s time to say goodbye to messy brushes in your bag.

 Blush Paper: apply your blush without a brush too, make your cheeks rouge.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Electric Makeup Brush cleaner

The Electric Makeup Brush cleaner
 The Electric Makeup Brush cleaner

who hates washing makeup brushes using the traditional way???Then Say goodbye to the trouble of cleaning ....
And welcome the electric makeup brush cleaner !!!The best amazing easy machine 💟 it leaves brushes clean and dry and ready in a short time !!!

The link is:

Friday, October 13, 2017

How to clean your Makeup brushes?

Makeup brushes are essential tools that every woman needs. Since they are used almost daily, they must be cleaned periodically to prevent the transmission of skin diseases and microbes, so washing your makeup brushes should be a regular part of your beauty routine.When you use your brushes, bits of makeup, dirt, and even bacteria can get trapped in the bristles.
& that results a lot of skin problems, such as acne, allergies, and blackheads
Here’s the right way to clean your makeup brushes:
You will need:
1-pepare all your dirty brushes ready for cleaning
2-Medium plastic tub.
3-Shampoo for children or Dove hand wash it leaves them soft.
4-warm water.
5-Teaspoon of iodine, or salt for sterilization.
6-Bruch silicone cleaning (if you have)
Cleaning method:
1-Put shampoo in warm water, add a tablespoon of salt, or any sterilizer available to you.
2-Leave the brushes in the liquid for at least an hour, until the accumulated material breaks down.
3-Rub the brushes gently.
4-Rinse the brushes with cold water.
5-Try adjusting the bristles by gently pressing them between your fingers.
6-Let it dry on a clean towel.
And when they dry, keep them covered when are not in use.
silicone makeup Brush cleaning:

Moroccan Kaftan القفطان المغربي

A kaftan or caftan  قفطان‎‎ this word is ultimately from old Turkish "kap ton", meaning "covering garment".
 caftan is a variant of the robe, which has been worn by several cultures around the world for thousands of years, through its dissemination and evolution, the kaftan has acquired different styles, purposes, and names depending on the culture and it has served as a symbol of royalty.
The Kaftan is present mainly in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia,
The kaftan is often worn as a overdress, with long sleeves. It can be made of wool, cashmere, silk, or cotton."
Moroccan caftan:
The Moroccan caftan is based on luxury fabrics, decorated with Moroccan hand embroidery, stones,  silk, silver or gold threads.
It is considered to be one of the oldest traditional garments. especially during the reign of the Moroccan Sultan Ahmed Al-Mansour Al-Zahabi.
The Moroccan caftan is the basic piece of  Moroccan women in every wedding, ceremony or special occasion, its a symbol of the elegance.
 The best Kaftan designs:
Royal Moroccan Family

Models  designs

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Louis Vuitton لوي فيتون

Louis Vuitton Malletie "LV" is a French fashion company specializing in leather products, bags, shoes, watches, accessories & sunglasses...
The Louis Vuitton label was founded by Vuitton in 1854 on Rue Neuve des Capucines in Paris, France.

Louis Vuitton building

The company's owner 

LV is one of the most well-known brands in the world. The prices of its products are the most expensive around the world.
Some pictures of LV bags

LV original web site 